法國: Emmanuelle Pagano: Der Tag war blau (Les Adolescents troglodytes) (2007)
克羅地亞: Mila Pavicevic: (Djevojc/ica od leda i druge bajke) (2006)
愛爾蘭: Karen Gillece: (Longshore Drift) (2006)
意大利: Daniele Del Giudice: (Orizzonte mobile) (2009)
立陶宛: Laura Sintija Cérniauskaite: (Kve.pavimas i; marmura) (2006)
挪威: Carl Frode Tiller: (Innsirkling) (2007)
奧地利: Paulus Hochgatterer: (Die Sü?e des Lebens) (2006)
波蘭: Jacek Dukaj: (LóD) (2007)
葡萄牙: Dulce Maria Cardoso: (Os Meus Sentimentos) (2005)
瑞典: Helena Henschen: (I skuggan av ett brott) (2004)
斯洛伐克: Pavol Rankov: (Stalo sa prvého septembra) (2008)
匈牙利: Noémi Szécsi: (Kommunista Monte Cristo) (2006)
比利時(shí): Peter Terrin: (De Bewaker) (2009)
丹麥: Adda Dj?rup: (Den mindste modstand) (2009)
德國: Iris Hanika: (Das Eigentliche) (2010)
愛沙尼亞: Tiit Aleksejev: (Palver?nd) (2008)
芬蘭: Riku Korhonen: (L??k?riromaani) (2008)
盧森堡: Jean Back: (Amateur) (2009)
馬其頓: Goce Smilevski: (Сестрата на Зигмунд Фро?д) (2007)
羅馬尼亞: R?zvan R?dulescu: (Teodosie cel Mic) (2006)
斯洛文尼亞: Nata?a Kramberger: (Nebesa v Robidah) (2007)
西班牙: Raquel Martínez-Gómez: (Sombros de unicornio) (2007)
塞浦路斯: Myrto Azina Chronides: (To Peirama) (2009)
保加利亞: Kalin Terziyski: Има ли кой да ви обича, Издателство
捷克: Tomá? Zme?kal: Milostny dopis klínovym písmem
希臘: Kostas Hatziantoniou: Agrigento
冰島: ófeigur Siguresson: Skáldsaga um Jón
拉脫維亞: Inga ?olude: Mierinājums ādama kokam
列支敦士登: Iren Nigg: Man wortet sich die Orte selbst
馬耳他: Immanuel Mifsud: Fl-Isem tal-Missier (tal-iben)
黑山: Andrej Nikolaidis: Sin
荷蘭: Rodaan al-Galidi: De autist en de postduif
塞爾維亞: Jelena Lengold: Va?arski Ma?ioni?ar
土耳其: Ciler Ilhan: Sürgün
英國: Adam Foulds: The Quickening Maze
奧地利: 安娜·吉姆: Die gefrorene Zeit
克羅地亞: Lada ?igo: Rulet
法國: Laurence Plazenet: L’amour seul
匈牙利: Viktor Horváth: T?r?k tük?r
愛爾蘭: Kevin Barry: City of Bohane
意大利: Emanuele Trevi: Qualcosa di scritto
立陶宛: Giedra Radvilaviciute: ?i?nakt a? miegosiu prie sienos
挪威: Gunstein Bakke: Maud og Aud – ein roman om trafikk
波蘭: Piotr Paziński: Pensjonat
葡萄牙: Afonso Cruz: A Boneca de Kokoschka
斯洛伐克: Jana Beňová: Café Hyena (Plán odprevádzania)
瑞典: Sara Mannheimer: Handlingen
比利時(shí): Isabelle Wéry: Marilyn Désossée (Marylin Deboned)
波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那: Faruk ?ehi?: Knjiga o Uni (The Book of Una)
塞浦路斯: 埃米里奧斯·所羅門: Hμερολóγιο μια? απιστ?α? (The diary of an infidelity)
丹麥: Kristian Bang Foss: D?den k?rer audi (Death drives an Audi)
愛沙尼亞: Meelis Friedenthal: Mesilased (The Bees)
馬其頓: Lidija Dimkovska: РЕЗЕРВЕН ЖИВОТ (Backup Life)
芬蘭: Katri Lipson: J??tel?kauppias (The Ice-Cream Man)
德國: Marica Bodro?i?: Kirschholz und alte Gefühle
盧森堡: Tullio Forgiarini: Amok. Eng L?tzebuerger Liebeschronik
羅馬尼亞: Ioana Parvulescu: Via?a ?ncepe vineri (Life begins on Friday)
斯洛文尼亞:加布里埃拉·巴布尼克: Su?na doba (Dry Season)
西班牙: Cristian Crusat: Breve teoría del viaje y el desierto (Brief theory of travel and the desert)
阿爾巴尼亞: 本·布魯什: Otello, Arapi i Vlores (Othello, Arap of Vlora)
保加利亞: Milen Ruskov: Възвишение (Summit)
捷克: Jan Němec: Dějiny světla (A History of Light)
希臘: 瑪基斯·基塔斯: Μ?ρτυ? μου ο Θ?? (God is my Witness)
冰島: Oddny Eir: Jaren?ei (Land of Love, Plan of Ruins)
拉脫維亞: Janis Jonevs: Jelgava "94. (Mansards)
列支敦士登: 阿明·歐里: Die dunkle Muse (The Dark Muse)
馬耳他:皮埃爾·J·梅杰拉克: Dak li I-Lejl I?allik Tg?id (What the Night Lets You Say)
黑山:奧格涅·斯帕希奇: Puna glava radosti (Head Full of Joy)
荷蘭: Marente de Moor: De Nederlandse maagd (The Dutch Maiden)
塞爾維亞: Uglje?a ?ajtinac: Sasvim skromni darovi (Quite Modest Gifts)
土耳其: Birgül O?uz: Hah (Aha)
英國: Evie Wyld: All the Birds, Singing
奧地利: Carolina Schutti: Einmal muss ich über weiches Gras gelaufen sein (2012; Once I must have trodden soft grass)
克羅地亞: Luka Bekavac: Viljevo (2013)
法國: Ga?lle Josse: Le dernier gardien d’Ellis Island (2014; The Last Guardian of Ellis Island)
匈牙利: Edina Szvoren: Nincs, és ne is legyen (2012; There Is None, Nor Let There Be)
愛爾蘭: Donal Ryan: The Spinning Heart (2013; Le C?ur Qui Tourne)
意大利: Lorenzo Amurri: Apnea (2013)
立陶宛: Undin? Radzevi?iūt?: ?uvys ir drakonai (2013; Fishes and Dragons)
挪威: Ida Hegazi H?yer: Unnskyld (2014; Forgive Me)
波蘭: Magdalena Parys: Magik (2014; Magician)
葡萄牙: David Machado: índice Médio de Felicidade (2013; Average Happiness Index)
斯洛伐克: Svetlana ?uchová: Obrazy zo ?ivota M . (2013; Scenes from the Life of M.)
瑞典: 薩拉·斯特里伯格: Beckomberga – Ode till min familj (2014; The Gravity of Love)
比利時(shí): Christophe Van Gerrewey: Op de hoogte (2012; Up to Date)
波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那: Tanja Stupar-Trifunovi?: Satovi u maj?inoj sobi (2014; Clocks in my Mother’s Room)
塞浦路斯: Antonis Georgiou: ?να αλπο?μ ιστορ?ε? (2014; An Album of Stories)
丹麥: Bj?rn Rasmussen: Huden er det elastiske hylster der omgiver hele legemet (2011; The Skin Is the Elastic Covering that Encases the Entire Body)
愛沙尼亞: Paavo Matsin: Gogoli disko (2015; The Gogol Disco)
芬蘭: Selja Ahava: Taivaalta tippuvat asiat (2015; Choses qui tombent du ciel / Things that Fall from the Sky)
馬其頓: Nenad Joldeski: Секо? со своето езеро (2012; Each with their own Lake)
德國: Benedict Wells: Vom Ende der Einsamkeit (2016; On the End of Loneliness)
盧森堡: Gast Groeber: All Dag verstoppt en aneren (2013; Chaque jour est un nouveau jour / One Day Hides Another)
羅馬尼亞: Claudiu M. Florian: Varstele jocului. Strada Cet??ii. (2012; The Ages of the Game – Citadel Street)
斯洛文尼亞: Jasmin B. Frelih: Na/pol (2013; In/Half)
西班牙: Jesús Carrasco: La tierra que pisamos (2016; The Earth We Tread)
European Union Prize for Literature 官網(wǎng)
^"Winners of 2010 EU Prize for Literature honoured at award ceremony." European Union News 22 Nov. 2010. Infotrac Newsstand. Retrieved 11 Oct. 2012.
^Winners of the 2011 European Union Prize for Literature. Euprizeliterature.eu. 2011-10-11 [2013-07-23].
^"Winners of the 2011 European Union Prize for literature." European Union News 11 Oct. 2011. General OneFile. Retrieved 11 Oct. 2012.
^EU Prize for Literature picks 12-to-read. Euronews. 9 October 2012 [10 October 2012]. (原始內(nèi)容存檔于14 October 2012).
^Elana Ralli.Announcing the winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Literature. New Europe. 26 September 2013 [27 September 2013].
^Staff writer.Winners of 2013 European Union Prize for Literature announced at G?teborg Book Fair. EU Reporter Magazine. 26 September 2013 [27 September 2013].
^European Commission.Winners of 2014 European Union Prize for Literature announced at Frankfurt Book Fair - Press Release. [11 October 2014].
^European Union Prize for Literature 2015 winners announced at London Book Fair. European Commission. April 2015 [20 April 2015].
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