Pioneers of Science, 1893
The Work of Hertz and Some of His Successors, 1894 (after Signalling Through Space Without Wires, 1900)
Electric Theory of Matter. Harper"s Magazine. 1904. (O"Neill"s Electronic Museum)
Life and Matter, 1905
The substance of faith allied with science. A catechism for parents and teachers, 1907
Electrons, or The Nature and Properties of Negative Electricity, 1907
Man and the Universe, 1908
Survival of Man, 1909
The Ether of Space, May,1909. ISBN 1-4021-8302-X (paperback), ISBN 1-4021-1766-3 (hardcover)
Reason and Belief, 1910. Book Tree. February 2000. ISBN 1-58509-226-6
Modern Problems, 1912
Science and Religion, 1914
The War and After, 1915
Raymond, or Life and Death, 1916
Christopher, 1918
Raymond Revised, 1922
The Making of Man, 1924
Ether and Reality, 1925. ISBN 0-7661-7865-X
Relativity - A very elementary exposition. Paperback. Methuen & Co. Ltd. London. 11 June 1925
Talks About Wireless, 1925
Aether theories, Encyclop?dia Britannica, Thirteenth Edition, 1926
Evolution and Creation, 1926
Science and Human Progress, 1927
Modern Scientific Ideas. Benn"s Sixpenny Library No. 101, 1927
Why I Believe in Personal Immortality, 1928
Phantom Walls, 1929
Beyond Physics, or The Idealization of Mechanism, 1930
The Reality of a Spiritual World, 1930
Conviction of Survival, 1930
Advancing Science, 1931
Past Years: An Autobiography. Charles Scribner"s Sons, 1932; Cambridge University Press, 2012
My Philosophy, 1933
Painted portrait of Sir Oliver Lodge by SirGeorge Reid at the National Portrait Gallery, London
Interactive Java Tutorial - Lodge"s experiment demonstrating the first tunable radio receiverNational High Magnetic Field Laboratory
美國專利 609,154, "Electric Telegraphy" (wireless telegraphy using Ruhmkorff or Tesla coil for transmitter and Branly coherer for detector, the "syntonic" tuning patent) August, 1898. Sold to Marconi in 1912.
"Oliver Joseph Lodge, Sir: 1851 - 1940". Adventures in CyberSound.
Death of Sir Oliver Lodge- Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Vol. 34, pages 435 - 436.
"Sir Oliver Lodge1851-1940". First Spiritual Temple. 2001.
University of Birmingham Staff Papers: Papers of Sir Oliver Lodge"
The Potteries Museum & Art Gallery, in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, features a display aboutlocal hero Oliver Lodgeand his pioneering1907 igniter, forerunner of the spark plug.
A collection of portraits of Sir Oliver Lodge at the National Portrait Gallery, London
Lodge-Cottrell Ltd
Chisholm, Hugh (編).Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph.大英百科全書第十一版. 劍橋大學出版社. 1911年.
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