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                  據(jù)“美國社區(qū)調(diào)查”(American Community Survey)在2007年的調(diào)查顯然,納瓦霍語的使用者人數(shù)有170,717人,這使得納瓦霍語成為唯一能在其統(tǒng)計圖表上被獨立表示的北美原住民語言。納瓦霍語多數(shù)的使用者生活于納瓦霍族保留地。有2.9%的納瓦霍語使用者為單語使用者,即其缺乏對英語的認知。四個納瓦霍語使用者比例較高的城鎮(zhèn)區(qū)域(metro- and micropolitan area)分別為法明頓(Farmington, New Mexico,有16.5%的人口使用納瓦霍語)、加路普(Gallup, New Mexico,有12%的人口使用納瓦霍語)、夫拉格斯達夫(Flagstaff, New Mexico,有10.3%的人口使用納瓦霍語)和阿布奎基(Albuquerque,有5.4%的人口使用納瓦霍語)。





                  h 這個字母,在納瓦霍語正字法中,被用以表示兩個不同的元音,當它出現(xiàn)在詞干開頭時,它發(fā)作 [x] ,在前綴中或詞干或單詞之結(jié)尾時,它發(fā)作 [h] 。然而,當 [x] 出現(xiàn)在 s 代表的音之后時,它記作 x 而非 h ,以免與 sh 產(chǎn)生混淆(像 násxéés (意即“我正轉(zhuǎn)身”)即一例,不能將此字記作 náshéés ); gh [?] 這個子音在前元音 i 與 e 前記作 y (在此些音前, [?] 顎化,變作 [?] ),在 o 前則記作 w ( [?] 在此音前唇化,變作 [??] ),在 a 前則記作 gh 。出現(xiàn)于單詞開頭的喉塞音 ? 不作表記。

                  對于 /?/ gh 這個音,其唇化和顎化皆以其書寫系統(tǒng)表記,其中 y 表此音之顎化,而 w 表該音之唇化。此書寫法不分別其他子音的各種變體。


                  納瓦霍語有四個基本的元音: a 、 e 、 i 與 o 。每個元音都分長短音,也分非鼻音和鼻音:



                  以上這些元音的各種特征的混合是可能的,就如 ???? (此表高聲調(diào)之長鼻元音)所表示者一般。



                  納瓦霍語是“動詞重心”的語言(verb-heavy),它有許多的動詞,但名詞的數(shù)量相對較少。除此名詞與動詞外,納瓦霍語亦有代名詞、有著不同功能的附著詞素(clitic)、指示詞、數(shù)詞、后置詞、副詞和連接詞等不同的詞類存在。哈利·霍衣哲(Harry Hoijer)將名詞和動詞以外的所有詞,都歸入一個他稱之為“質(zhì)詞”(particle)的詞類中。納瓦霍語沒有與英語形容詞相對應(yīng)的詞類,其形容詞的功能以動詞取代。





                  Blair, Robert W.; Simmons, Leon; & Witherspoon, Gary.(1969). Navaho Basic Course . Brigham Young University Printing Services.

                  Goossen, Irvy W.(1967). Navajo made easier: A course in conversational Navajo . Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Press.

                  Goossen, Irvy W.(1995). Diné bizaad: Speak, read, write Navajo . Flagstaff, AZ: Salina Bookshelf. ISBN 0-9644189-1-6

                  Goossen, Irvy W.(1997). Diné bizaad: Sprechen, Lesen und Schreiben Sie Navajo . Loder, P. B.(transl.). Flagstaff, AZ: Salina Bookshelf.

                  Haile, Berard.(1941–1948). Learning Navaho ,(Vols. 1–4). St. Michaels, AZ: St. Michael"s Mission.

                  Platero, Paul R.(1986). Diné bizaad bee naadzo: A conversational Navajo text for secondary schools, colleges and adults . Farmington, NM: Navajo Preparatory School.

                  Platero, Paul R.; Legah, Lorene; & Platero, Linda S.(1985). Diné bizaad bee na?adzo: A Navajo language literacy and grammar text . Farmington, NM: Navajo Language Institute.

                  Tapahonso, Luci, & Schick, Eleanor.(1995). Navajo ABC: A Diné alphabet book . New York: Macmillan Books for Young Readers. ISBN 0-689-80316-8

                  Witherspoon, Gary.(1985). Diné Bizaad Bóhoo?aah for secondary schools, colleges, and adults . Farmington, NM: Navajo Language Institute.

                  Witherspoon, Gary.(1986). Diné Bizaad Bóhoo?aah I: A conversational Navajo text for secondary schools, colleges and adults . Farmington, NM: Navajo Language Institute.

                  Wilson, Alan.(1969). Breakthrough Navajo: An introductory course . Gallup, NM: The University of New Mexico, Gallup Branch.

                  Wilson, Alan.(1970). Laughter, the Navajo way . Gallup, NM: The University of New Mexico at Gallup.

                  Wilson, Alan.(1978). Speak Navajo: An intermediate text in communication . Gallup, NM: University of New Mexico, Gallup Branch.

                  Wilson, Garth A.(1995). Conversational Navajo workbook: An introductory course for non-native speakers. Blanding, UT: Conversational Navajo Publications. ISBN 0-938717-54-5.

                  Yazzie, Evangeline Parsons, and Margaret Speas (2008). Diné Bizaad Bínáhoo"aah: Rediscovering the Navajo Language . Flagstaff, AZ: Salina Bookshelf, Inc. ISBN 978-1-893354-73-9


                  Akmajian, Adrian; & Anderson, Stephen.(1970). On the use of the fourth person in Navajo, or Navajo made harder. International Journal of American Linguistics , 36 (1), 1–8.

                  Creamer, Mary Helen.(1974). Ranking in Navajo nouns. Navajo Language Review , 1 , 29–38.

                  Faltz, Leonard M.(1998). The Navajo verb: A grammar for students and scholars . Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN 0-8263-1901-7(hb), ISBN 0-8263-1902-5(pbk)

                  Frishberg, Nancy.(1972). Navajo object markers and the great chain of being. In J. Kimball(Ed.), Syntax and semantics (Vol. 1, p.259–266). New York: Seminar Press.

                  Grimes, Barbara F.(Ed.)。(2000). Ethnologue: Languages of the world,(14th ed.). Dallas, TX: SIL International. ISBN 1-55671-106-9.(Online edition:/, accessed on November 19, 2004)。

                  Hale, Kenneth L.(1973). A note on subject–object inversion in Navajo. In B. B. Kachru, R. B. Lees, Y. Malkiel, A. Pietrangeli, & S. Saporta(Eds.), Issues in linguistics: Papers in honor of Henry and Renée Kahane (p.300–309). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

                  Hoijer, Harry.(1945). Navaho phonology . University of New Mexico publications in anthropology,(No. 1)。

                  Hoijer, Harry.(1945). Classificatory verb stems in the Apachean languages. International Journal of American Linguistics , 11 (1), 13–23.

                  Hoijer, Harry.(1945). The Apachean verb, part I: Verb structure and pronominal prefixes. International Journal of American Linguistics , 11 (4), 193–203.

                  Hoijer, Harry.(1946). The Apachean verb, part II: The prefixes for mode and tense. International Journal of American Linguistics , 12 (1), 1–13.

                  Hoijer, Harry.(1946). The Apachean verb, part III: The classifiers. International Journal of American Linguistics , 12 (2), 51–59.

                  Hoijer, Harry.(1948). The Apachean verb, part IV: Major form classes. International Journal of American Linguistics , 14 (4), 247–259.

                  Hoijer, Harry.(1949). The Apachean verb, part V: The theme and prefix complex. International Journal of American Linguistics , 15 (1), 12–22.

                  Hoijer, Harry.(1970). A Navajo lexicon . University of California Publications in Linguistics(No. 78). Berkeley: University of California Press.

                  Kari, James.(1975). The disjunct boundary in the Navajo and Tanaina verb prefix complexes. International Journal of American Linguistics , 41 , 330–345.

                  Kari, James.(1976). Navajo verb prefix phonology. Garland Publishing Co.

                  McDonough, Joyce.(2003). The Navajo sound system . Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 1-4020-1351-5(hb); ISBN 1-4020-1352-3(pbk)

                  Reichard, Gladys A.(1951). Navaho grammar . Publications of the American Ethnological Society(Vol. 21). New York: J. J. Augustin.

                  Sapir, Edward.(1932). Two Navaho puns. Language , 8 (3), 217-220.

                  Sapir, Edward, & Hoijer, Harry.(1942). Navaho texts . William Dwight Whitney series, Linguistic Society of America.

                  Sapir, Edward, & Hoijer, Harry.(1967). Phonology and morphology of the Navaho language . Berkeley: University of California Press.

                  Speas, Margaret.(1990). Phrase structure in natural language . Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0-7923-0755-0

                  Wall, C. Leon, & Morgan, William.(1994). Navajo-English dictionary . New York: Hippocrene Books. ISBN 0-7818-0247-4.(Originally published [1958] by U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Branch of Education, Bureau of Indian Affairs)。

                  Webster, Anthony K.(2004). Coyote Poems: Navajo Poetry, Intertextuality, and Language Choice. American Indian Culture and Research Journal , 28 , 69-91.

                  Webster, Anthony K.(2006). "ALk"idaa" Ma"ii Jooldlosh, Jini": Poetic Devices in Navajo Oral and Written Poetry. Anthropological Linguistics , 48(3) , 233-265.

                  Webster, Anthony K.(2009). Explorations in Navajo Poetry and Poetics . Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

                  Witherspoon, Gary.(1971). Navajo categories of objects at rest. American Anthropologist , 73 , 110-127.

                  Witherspoon, Gary.(1977). Language and art in the Navajo universe . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-08966-8; ISBN 0-472-08965-X

                  Yazzie, Sheldon A.(2005). Navajo for Beginners and Elementary Students . Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Press.

                  Young, Robert W.(2000). The Navajo verb system: An overview . Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN 0-8263-2172-0(hb); ISBN 0-8263-2176-3(pbk)

                  Young, Robert W., & Morgan, William, Sr.(1987). The Navajo language: A grammar and colloquial dictionary (rev. ed.). Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN 0-8263-1014-1

                  Young, Robert W.; Morgan, William; & Midgette, Sally.(1992). Analytical lexicon of Navajo . Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. ISBN 0-8263-1356-6; ISBN 0825313566


                  Hózh?? Náhásdl????? - Language of the Holy People(有著Flash、影音和納瓦霍語學習幫助的納瓦霍語網(wǎng)站), gomyson.com

                  Some English - Diné Dictionary (pronunciations), blackmesais.org

                  Contrasts between Navajo consonants(Peter Ladefoged的聲音檔). humnet.ucla.edu

                  Navajo Language & Bilingual Links(圣胡安學區(qū)(San Juan school district)之資料). sanjuan.k12.ut.us

                  Navajo Language Academy, navajolanguageacademy.org

                  Tuning in to Navajo: The Role of Radio in Native Language Maintenance, jan.ucc.nau.edu

                  An Initial Exploration of the Navajo Nation"s Language and Culture Initiative, jan.ucc.nau.edu

                  Bá?ólta?í Adoodlee?gi Bína?niltingo Bi? Haz???(Center for Diné Teacher Education), dinecollege.edu

                  Languagegeek Unicode fonts and Navajo keyboard layouts, languagegeek.com

                  Navajo fonts, dinecollege.edu

                  The Navajo Language, library.thinkquest.org

                  Navajo language (Encyclopedia of North American Indians), college.hmco.com

                  Inventory of the Robert W. Young Papers, 1860-1992(bulk 1823-1980), libxml.unm.edu

                  Reflections on Navajo Poetry, ou.edu


                  Navajo reflections of a general theory of lexical argument structure(Ken Hale & Paul Platero), museunacional.ufrj.br

                  Remarks on the syntax of the Navajo verb part I: Preliminary observations on the structure of the verb(Ken Hale), museunacional.ufrj.br

                  The Navajo Prolongative and Lexical Structure(Carlotta Smith), cc.utexas.edu

                  A Computational Analysis of Navajo Verb Stems(David Eddington & Jordan Lachler), linguistics.byu.edu

                  Grammaticization of Tense in Navajo: The Evolution of nt’éé(Chee, Ashworth, Buescher & Kubacki), linguistics.ucsb.edu

                  A methodology for the investigation of speaker’s knowledge of structure in Athabaskan(Joyce McDonough & Rachel Sussman), urresearch.rochester.edu

                  How to use Young and Morgan’s The Navajo Language(Joyce McDonough), bcs.rochester.edu

                  Time in Navajo: Direct and Indirect Interpretation(Carlota S. Smith, Ellavina T. Perkins, Theodore B. Fernald), cc.utexas.edu

                  OLAC Resources in and about the Navajo language


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