上校Friedrich Gempp(1921–1927)
少校Günther Schwantes(1927–1920)
中校費迪南·馮·貝里多(英語:Ferdinand von Bredow)(1929–1932)
少將Konrad Patzig(1932–1935)
準將沃爾特·許內勒貝格(英語:Walter Schellenberg)(1944–1945)
German Espionage and Sabotage Against the USA in WW2at ibiblio.org. Includes details on structure of Abwehr.
Bodyguard of Lies, by Anthony Cave Brown, New York, Harper and Row, 1975, ISBN 1-58574-692-4.
Ladislas Farago, The Game of the Foxes: The Untold Story of German Espionage in the United States and Great Britain During WWII, David McKay Co. Inc., 1971. ISBN 978-0-553-12342-5.
Simon Kitson, The Hunt for Nazi Spies: Fighting Espionage in Vichy France, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2008
Lauran Paine. The Abwehr: German Military Intelligence in World War Two. Xs Books. 1984. ISBN 0-7091-9628-8.
Gabriele Zaffiri, Abwehr - il servizio segreto militare del Terzo Reich (Italian lenguage), Nicola Calabria Editore, Patti (Me), 2008, ISBN 978-88-95544-91-5
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